Explaining the current circumstances and world context without falling deep into the rabbit hole is quite a challenge. Thanks! @GrrrGraphics
#TrustThePlan #PatriotsAreInControl #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA
1. The Zionists, the Illuminati, the Khazarian mafia, the "clique", the cabal are all literally the same shit with a different name depending on the "club" they belong to and that in the publication I made in November 2019 ( suggested) called as [They] #EnemyOfThePeople
2. [They] #EnemyOfThePeople are a covert transnational network of power groups, acting collusively, in order to pursue a control agenda, independent and parallel to the legitimate government, committing acts of corruption, sedition, treason and other crimes.
3. The main hidden agenda is to unite all nations under a world fascist government controlled by the banking elites of Europe #EnemyOfThePeople (Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Greece) and Israel.
4. [They] #EnemyOfThePeople have been infiltrating the SS into Nazi Germany, the CIA, MI6, the KGB, the mossad, and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, corrupting institutions and politics, intimidating, and overthrowing legitimate civilian governments.
5. The Vatican, the United Nations (UN), USA INC and Westminster (London city center) are in fact their corporations and fronts for the New World Order.
6. It is important to clarify that many of the people who work for these four criminal corporations are good people. The problem is that most of them have no idea that these corporations are fronts for the New World Order.
7. The Vatican is in the middle of all this corruption, so all roads tend to lead to Rome, the seat of the dark nobility #EnemyOfThePeople (in Venice and Genoa, Italy).
8. The dark nobility are descendants of the Guelphs and Ghibellines, two factions that from the 12th century disputed the "Dominium mundi". Today the Guelphs are part of the committee of the 300 that control the United Nations (UN). #EnemyOfThePeople
9. The Club of Rome is a general coordinating organization, an amalgam between Anglo-American financiers and the families that make up the ancestral European Black Nobility, in particular the nobility of London, Venice, and Genoa. #EnemyOfThePeople
10. The dark forces of the committee of the 300, his club in Rome and the Bilderberger club have known how to use the IMF to dismantle countries and appropriate the world's natural resources. #EnemyOfThePeople
11. Rooted and camouflaged for more than 200 years within political and social structures in many countries of the world, equipped and protected in the depths of the state at the financial-military-intelligence-media-parliamentary level, makes its elimination difficult.
12. [They] #EnemyOfThePeople in positions of power established themselves as a deep state, infiltrating political institutions, government and intelligence agencies like rats, sponsoring disinformation through the media. #FakeNews
13. This covert transnational network of power groups is known as the deep state, a swamp of power groups made up of a core of the ruling class or representatives of interests from the financial-military-intelligence-media-parliamentary enclave.
14. Wealth, power and status is what drives and motivates corrupt puppets operating in intelligence agencies, the media and parliament. Wealth, power and status in the great spheres is corrupt and dirty.
15. [They] #EnemyOfThePeople formed a global crime syndicate achieving the hacking of society; undermining politics, economy, culture, education, religion to control, manipulate, indoctrinate and divide the people (the masses).
16. [They] #EnemyOfThePeople form a criminal establishment that has abused, betrayed and dishonored all the countries of the world with its "quid pro quo" agenda favoring their interests in war, illegal drug trafficking, arms, human beings, organs and blood. #Adrenochrome.
17. The Federal Reserve System, the Internal Revenue Service, the Exchange Stabilization Fund and the Central Intelligence Agency have been contributing actors in the illicit enrichment of [They] #EnemyOfThePeople and in the context of financial slavery and world poverty.
18. Most of the money raised from US taxpayers is sent to the City of London banks and then distributed to other banks affiliated with the New World Order also controlled by the House of Rothschild. #EnemyOfThePeople.
19. Let us not forget that [They] #EnemyOfThePeople have committed crimes against humanity by designing economic crises and wars, and the financing of terrorist groups (ISIS, Al-Qaeda, etc.) throughout the world. # COVID19
20. The Morgan, Rockefeller, Whitney, Harriman and Vanderbilt families with their significant Wall Street stakes: oil, banking, rail, military, among others, have controlled British / American economic policy and its effect on the world
21. [They] #EnemyOfThePeople are a harmful parasite that is always seeking a benefit from the state by weakening its institutions and disrupting the proper functioning of society with the consequent decrease in the quality of life of the people.
22. People vote without knowing that political elections are fraud and democracy has become a parody that does not respect the natural rights of individuals in society. @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #WWG1WGA
23. [They] #EnemyOfThePeople have undermined democracy with their own political establishment that makes the decisions and acts as dictated by a corrupt and controlling deep state.
24. It doesn't matter who you vote for. The deep state and the political cabal, led by [They] #EnemyOfThePeople, decide which ruler is best suited to continue maintaining control of a country and its insidious capitalism that enslaves society. Absolute despotism.
25. [They] #EnemyOfThePeople have become an active threat to people's personal freedom and economic well-being. And anyone who stands in their way to wealth, power and status will be ruthlessly crushed.
26. [They] #EnemyOfThePeople never thought they would lose the 2016 election. @RealDonaldTrump 's victory #MAGA posed a threat to deep state power and control over USA INC. #QAnon #WWG1WGA
27. Then [They] #EnemyOfThePeople attacked @realDonaldTrump with false accusations, trying to isolate and politically discredit him using a false media smoke screen to confuse and distract the world from the crimes committed by [They] themselves. #QAnon
28. [They] #EnemyOfThePeople are waging a secret war against the world and against those fighting them @realDonaldTrump #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA, especially against the United States using Gladio-style false flag terrorism: #COVID19
29. 100% criminal #COVID19 perverse sabotage to destroy America and weaken the world in order to establish a new world order. #EnemyOfThePeople
30. The awakening of nations #TheGreatAwakening must be accompanied by pro-nationalist patriots who resist and work to make the world a better #MAGA and safer place for all of us to live in peace. #TrustThePlan #PatriotsAreInControl #Qanon #WWG1WGA
31. Humanity must remain awake and vigilant to avoid being surprised again by the accomplices and relatives of [They] #EnemyOfThePeople who will try to take revenge and regain control. #PatriotsAreInControl #Qanon
32. When people are educated and well informed, their knowledge increases and their consciousness expand. Very important to achieve freedom. An easy way to educate people on this topic is to share this thread with as many people as possible. #WWG1WGA <END>
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