It is possible to joke & meme about silly trends or even rampant ideologies however maybe we shouldn't? If even for the sole reason that those trends and horrible ideologies do manifest in real life, often horribly
Not wise to brush them under the rug either
It's part of the reason why I've always hated that "men are trash" rubbish that's been common for eons. Some people think it's trendy, I've spoken to some women who genuinely believe it with all their hearts. It's not good at all.
And yes, some include all men. Very harmful
You end up getting women who have trust issues with any & every man, who despise men. It's like women incels, in a basic manner- they go on to harm men through exploitation, abuse- psych, financial, psychical, etc. it goes on.
ideologies ---> real life impacts
Flip the switch and you get redpill culture- we see a lot of misogyny in MT too (also angering)

Where is the Deen in all this? If folks referred back to our teachings, with conviction, why is there a need for us to go to any gender extreme?

We must refer to the Deen always
Also, yes these include "women aren't funny, women can't drive" tweets and thoughts. One may say they are not referring to an entire half of the human race but must remember that repeated thoughts are often what are stamped in our minds and hearts. Thoughts ---> actions
If we are not empathetic to the other gender (and also our own), how can we ever try to help each other, work cohesively as a society, as a community? How can we do good for the whole ummah, let alone all of humanity and the environment?

Individualistic culture is no good
We have to remember Islam is not something we sprinkle into our lives. Worshiping Allah is the very reason we are here.

How much do we remember this when jumping onto bandwagons without a second thought, when following the crowds into darkness?

Turn to the light of the Deen
Please let me know if I have said anything wrong any time. Always open to correction.

Coming from looking at Deen & gender, exp. of m&w w/ these ideas & related actions, secular gender studies & many discussions w/ people way better than myself
An ongoing trip
May Allah guide me
It's all well & good me saying this here but I must work on this offline too. I have to constantly look internally and question any biases I may have while helping those who have the ability to help. We must act offline
It's not easy but we should do what we can to rectify wrongs
Lots of people are Twitter-fingers. I always must check if I am one of them.
Tweeted about how we can't fix the whole world (a msg to myself earlier today) but we can really try our best. Every single one of us has a skillset, experience, etc. to do khayr, even in general matters
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