OK I think the time has come for my thoughts on the letting people back into church issue.
For those of you who are new here, I am immunocompromised. I had a double lung transplant 15 years ago. I know of what I speak. (1/
Throughout this whole thing I've kept hearing, we can keep the churches open! We totally can. People just need to not come if they're sick!
Folks. No one does this. VERY VERY VERY few people, in my experience, don't come to Mass when they're sick. (2/)
I know this, because I am acutely *aware* of who comes to Mass when they're sick. People come who have no business coming.
AND THEN they want to shake your hand at the sign of peace!
People do not realize that when they come to church sick, they risk other people (3/)
Response to this that I've seen: Well, at risk people just need to stay home (forever? I guess).
"at risk" people includes a LOT of people. My parents care for an "at-risk" person. Should they not go to Mass either? (4/)
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