I know we are all scared right now, anxious and uncertain. However, I am increasingly becoming disappointed in people on this app screen grabbing tweets to belittle and put down people they have previous beefs with. I will feel better eventually, but I just had to say this
Because it's just as childish, mean-spirited behavior as the poster you're saying is. It's not that I disagree because I have found the poster to not have a thick skin and we all need it. We all have our insecurities. But I would be lying if I didn't say that all of this
Behavior is beginning to irk me somewhat. We are strangers on the internet for crying out loud. Why do we care so much about owning each other when we don't know each other outside of this app?
Sorry for venting, just a bit down. I will always try to engage respectfully with anyone and do want to know if I don't so I can be better. Truly.
Coming back to this thread. To be fair to those who are critical and screen grabbing, I can understand where there's frustration at the person in question, or similar behavior. It's certainly projection, which I think we all have a tendency to do.
And that there's not a lot of good will left, even if things are not necessarily going well for the person. He or she needs to be able to own their insecurities and feelings of inferiority to others perceived and favored successes.
It's a question of education versus not being educated and probably regret of not having been able to or chose not to go to college. It's probably why he or she lashes out. But to those screen grabbing and criticizing, did the person really hurt your feelings or someone you know?
I guess this is a result of being on this app for a couple of years and like real life sometimes, there are fallouts with people and such. It's frustrating to see it be so public though, especially having mutuals and following others that don't get along. But just venting.
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