1/5 Agronomy quarantine thought of the day: Being an agronomist is less about the accumulation of knowledge to a specific threshold and more about a desire to learn and grow.
It’s about underlining yourself with a pressing need to soak up information.
2/5 Being an agronomist is understanding that what you assume correct now can be wrong in the future as new research and technology emerges.
3/5 Being an agronomist is constantly perusing the understanding of how novel market, technology, equipment, and social pressure changes impact a farms crop production tactics and goals.
4/5 It’s also about communication. Being an agronomist is communicating with producers and understanding not just crop challenges but whole farm goals. Communicate with colleagues, experts, and newer agronomists with perspectives that challenge yours.
5/5 Being an agronomist means the moment you think you have it all figured out is the moment you’ve set yourself up to fall behind.

Agronomy, for me, is really a lesson in life.

Keep learning my friends!
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