(1/7) So I crushed my hand between a cart and a wall while working overnight, which was painful and upsetting. As one does, I thought “I’ll cheer myself up by checking Twitter....”
(2/7) As you might imagine, I was rather mortified that my tweet Re: The Kyle Larson situation - which I wrote somewhat in passing while getting ready to go to work - gave totally the wrong impression, so I should probably explain myself....
(3/7) First off, he was clearly a prat and should be disciplined in some way (by retweeting the NASCAR press release I kinda implied he shouldn’t. I totally own that one, I shouldn’t have written it ambiguously)....
(4/7) but Larson was also apologetic and clearly remorseful, and I think we should be able to forgive a first offense if someone learns from it, and if it is a single transgression, he shouldn’t lose his entire career as some had written.
(5/7) I also worried that drivers might be dissuaded from the concept of racing online for a large audience with hot microphones, because perhaps there are other, less severe remarks that might also have career consequences, to the point where it’s not worth having the mic open
(6/7) Anyways, i’m sorry if I gave the wrong impression that what he said was acceptable behaviour. I’d like to think you could afford me the benefit of the doubt on that, based on the past 10 years’ worth of tweets.
(7/7) It’s been very difficult for me to stay positive in the recent health and economic circumstances (as for many of us, I suspect), but one way of doing so had been by reading and interacting on Twitter. Now it’s not just my hand that feels crushed inside.
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