K-Pop stans, this is for you.

It’s fine to like K-Pop. There’s nothing wrong with it at all. HOWEVER, don’t force people to stan if they don’t want to. I’m not saying all stans are like this, but there are people who are like this.

People don’t insult you because you-
(cont) like K-Pop, or that your idols are asian. Everyone is different. It’s the reputation of K-Pop fans that makes people insult you. This isn’t the case for everyone. Personally, you like what you like and I’m fine with that. You have to understand that to Non K-Pop stans-
(cont) your reputation is varied. Some people think you’re fine, and others might think a lot of K-Pop stans are toxic. It’s just a difference in opinions and thoughts. That being said, there is NOTHING WRONG with liking K-Pop.
Also....PLEASE don’t do this. This was a good thread and then she dropped a fancam.
**It’s fine to do what you want but don’t drop fancams when they aren’t relevant to the comments/tweet. It gets kinda annoying. Y’know?
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