Questions for centre-left journalists who are close to the Labour Party:
- does this specific story surprise you?
- is the sort of journalist-source relationship suggested by the story representative of wider practices?
- is the story in and of itself newsworthy? If not, why? 1/3
- if you are not surprised by the story, why has this type of bullying and harassment not received more press attention?
- has a Labour source ever attempted to involve you in this sort of bullying? If they have, how did you respond? 2/3
Would really appreciate any responses to the above. A public reply would be best but a DM is better than nothing. Cc: @stephenkb @patrickkmaguire @lewis_goodall @Anoosh_C @patrickwintour @GuardianHeather @peterwalker99 @rowenamason @Kevin_Maguire @mikeysmith 3/3
You can follow @samfoster99.
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