Several hours later and I still feel repulsed as well as infuriated by the transgression of the Saudi Arabian government against our dear brother Abu Anas ‘Abdur-Raheem al-Huwaiti.
For this reason, I have decided to inform the English-speaking Muslims about his martyrdom which ensued from his courageousness in the face of this tyrannical regime.

May Allah accept him in the highest level of Paradise and avenge his blood with a befitting recompense.
Our brother was a man of valour and integrity who refused to submit to the decree of the tyrants that thought it was within their authority to expel him and his tribe from their ancestral home for the purpose of corruption, decadence and sexual perversion.
He belonged to a large tribe that lives in the northern region of Saudi Arabia, sharing a border with Jordan called al-Huwaitat. They are a tribe which has thousands of inhabitants, resembling the bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula, spanning over many generations.
The geographical layout of this area consists of a number of villages. The tribespeople are very humble in nature and have lived there for hundreds of years. They have a strong heritage and a rich, intense history.
The Saudi Arabian government have a plan to create a new city, encompassing the land of the Huwaiti people, called Neom. The government’s plan for this new city is that of a purely industrial and touristic place in similitude to Dubai in the UAE.
As a result, the Saudi Arabian government is set on displacing the Huwaiti tribe by burning and destroying their homes and villages to make room for this hub of immorality. They are pushing out their citizens for the sake of entertaining disbelieving tourists from far and wide.
This video filmed by him before his death provides us with an insight into what is currently happening in the region. They’re telling the people to pack up their belongings and leave, or else they’ll be dragged out by force.
However, the Huwaiti people are renown for their fearlessness and resolve. This caused the Saudi Arabian government to try their best to remove them, and although some have already left, many resisted.
There was one person who rejected this, and his name was ‘Abdur-Raheem al-Huwaiti. Initially, he was not vocal about the government’s crimes but the moment they decided to target his people and homeland, that was when he began to raise his voice in defiance of their oppression.
The lionheart of al-Huwaitat was aware that he would likely be imprisoned or killed, but he did not fear for his life or his safety. He understood that his destination was to Allah the Most High, so there was nothing to be scared of.
During the time in which the government forces stormed his house urging him to take his leave, the hero ‘Abdur-Raheem replied, ‘No, I am not leaving,’ despite the vehicles being parked outside of his home.
He reserved the right to stay in his home, so why is the government impeding upon this right? The level of dysfunction that is rampant in the Arab world means that the state does not acknowledge the concept of re-housing.
They are bereft of any respect and civility towards the Muslims in this region. This is why the brother stood up for his rights, since where else was he to go if he didn’t?

Therefore, the brother persevered in spite of the situation.
After 10-15 hours, they found their way back to his house and threatened him. They said, ‘If you do not leave your home, we will kill you.’ Notwithstanding their threats, he remained steadfast by the permission of Allah.
Eventually the government forces returned and they issued a time when they would demolish his home and murder him in cold blood, which is precisely what they did yesterday.
The Saudi Arabian government committed this crime because they intended to terrorise the Muslims of al-Huwaitat by making an example out of Abu Anas. They took it upon themselves to trespass on their property, despite being inhabitants of this exact area for countless years.
The brother passed away, and his videos are still available to watch online. He was a layman, but as a layman he spoke more with more candour and earnestness than even the most knowledgeable amongst us.
He possessed the sort of courage which some of our scholars today have not displayed in their entire lives.

A layman is capable of empathising with the people, but the contemporary scholars reclining in their palaces will never understand the adversities of the common Muslim.
It’s ludicrous that we should regard an individual as being of a scholarly stature while they lack the courage to speak the truth in front of a dictator who has sanctified blood on his hands.
The likelihood of the northern region of Saudi Arabia, near and encompassing Tabuk, being given to Israel is very high.

Allah knows best what will happen, but we should not be shocked if this area of land is sold to the Jews.
This image gives us somewhat of an idea about the atrocities which the state of Saudi Arabia is laying the foundations for. This is the reality, and our brother’s martyrdom foreshadows this.
May the curse of Allah, the angels and the whole of mankind be upon those who prioritised the reputation of their bastard kings over the honour of His believing slaves.
May you never find peace in your wakefulness and in your sleep. You are a disgrace to the Muslim Ummah and humanity at large.

O’ Allah I have delivered the message for Your sake alone, so bear witness to what I have conveyed.
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