@realDonaldTrump dear Mr. President. With all due respect I have a few questions to ask you. 1) why do you lash out at reporters when they ask you a question you do not like? Obviously you have anger issues!
2) why do you continually give Miss information at your press briefings? You will say one thing one day and tweet the next day that you never said it. We can fact check and know that you are telling a lie. So the only conclusion is you lie!
Why do you say you were on top of this virus from the very beginning? When we all know you were notified about it in December and January and and refused to do nothing about it. You called it a hoax, fake news, The flu and it will clear up like a miracle when the weather warms up
4)Thousands of people have been sick and died because of your lack of response, and inability to lead the nation during a pandemic!
Mr. President I am not a journalist I am not fake news and I definitely am not a cutie pie! I am a concerned citizen who pays your salary. Thank you for your time and please respond!
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