Anne Of Green Gables: The Good Stars - Movie Review
I watched it so you don't have to :)
This Movie Review will be divided in parts.
There will be special points (highlights) throughout the entire thread.
Pics and Videos included.
Part 1: Characters.
-Anne Shirley: the girl doesn't have freckles anymore, and now she's capable of holding a tear in her eye.
-Matthew Cuthbert: the old man who thinks it's a good idea to go in the roof to fix a little hole. He talks A LOT MORE in this movie.
-Marilla Cuthbert: still very nice, all she does in the movie is crush on the Blythes and tell Matthew he's wrong for doing... Basically everything.
-Diana Barry: likes to walk a lot with books in her head, she's also very jealous of Gilbert.
-Gilbert Blythe: he grew up a lot. He has a tiny-ly giant crush on Anne. He's smart... apparently.
-Miss Stacey: great teacher.

(finally someone is an actual actress, she very good)
-Charlie Sloane: Gilbert's best friend. He has one line in the entire movie.
-Minnie May Barry: (another actual actress, the only reason I'm mentioning her...)
Part 2: The Story.
It's raining and Matthew finds a hole in the ceiling, so he decides to fix it the next day but the ladder falls so he's stuck. Anne's saves him later. (Example 1 of a completely unnecessary scene: it just here for comedic purposes and it's not even funny)
Then they have dinner and Matthew is really upset because Mr. Phillips is not a nice teacher to Anne. Matthew gives a speech about good teaching ¿?
Anne scks at geometry and Gilbert doesn't. Ruby offers her help to Anne and she accepts.
Gilbert and Anne are the smartest in the class and both are very competitive. (His face when he sees her grade is kinda cute...)
Diana invites Anne to sleep over but Marilla said no so she and Matthew started arguing. Anne starts to cry because they're arguing because of her and then Marilla lets her go to Diana's.
Mr. Phillips has a mental breakdown...
Anne and Diana go through the woods and then spend the entire night scared of some ghost or something.
Anne decides is a good idea to check the house (looking for the ghost) but when she tries to go back to Diana's room she comes to Aunt Jo's instead and she scares the living sht out of the poor old lady.
The last scene seems that it came out of a parody movie of AOGG.
Anne apologizes to Aunt Jo.
They have a spelling bee and Anne spells the word wrong. Then she gets a higher mark than Gilbert on a test and Gilbert decides to announce it to the entire class.
(I liked this scene actually)
Diana tells Anne that Gilbert has a crush on her. (Here you can see Diana walking with the book on her head)
Anne goes for a walk with Matthew, but the old man is losing his mind (literally) and he can't remember the way back to Green Gables so he has a panic attack, Anne reassures him she knows the way but the man continued with his attack.
Gilbert gives an Apple to Anne and... Just watch.
Mr. Phillips pulls Gilbert's ear and Anne defends him

(Example 2 of a completely unnecessary scene...I have to admit I laughed, but this doesn't add anything to the story)
Mr. Phillips leaves the school and kids pretend they give a fck.

(I like this scene too)
Matthew tries to speak to Mr. Phillips because he's not a nice teacher.
(This scene doesn't make sense at all, Matthew wanting to TALK to someone and Mr. Phillips being NICE)
It's Anne's birthday party and Marilla is crushing hard on Gilbert.
Anne and Gilbert walk together and Diana is super jealous. (She's jealous of Gilbert 98% of the time, I'm 100% sure she has a crush on Anne)
Miss Stacey comes to Avonlea!!!
Gilly-Boy makes a movie (Alexa, play Careless Whisper)
Anne makes a cake for the Minister and his wife but she uses liniment instead of vanilla
It's Diana's birthday party and Josie Pye dares Anne to walk the rigdepole of the roof.

(Example 3 of a completely unnecessary scene: watch the scene and you'll know why)
Anne dies her hair green so Marilla cuts it.

(Example 4 of a completely unnecessary scenes: Anne has two scenes with her hair green and then one with short hair. Then, she has long hair again. This scene is only here for comedic purposes)
Anne and Gilbert walk together after school one day and Diana is still jealous. (high key loving the love triangle. Jk)
Example 5 of a completely unnecessary scene: this is in the middle of the movie and I don't know why. Also, fun fact: you can tell when someone is a poorly payed extra when they're in a scene and they don't say a single word.
The girls make a play.
Anne almost drowns.
Gilbert saves her. (Alexa, play Careless Whisper)
Marilla and John Blythe admiring each other and their kids.
Anne chooses Diana over Gilbert...

(I have to admit I feel kinda sad for him)
The movie ends with Matthew telling her friendship is important but "don't lose the romance, Miss Anne"
Part 3: Directing Choices
These shots are just awful
That transition tho

(please admire Charlie's and Gilbert faces)
This camera movements are horrible
And these transitions... Don't. Just, don't.
Part 4: Costumes and Set design.
They're the same costumes and the sets are still way too impeccable.
(Here's a pic of Diana's house)
Part 5: Final Thoughts.
I like this duo. Or maybe I just like Charlie... Who knows.
Their friendship confuses me a lot... Diana is teasing Anne with Gilbert but then she doesn't want the together is like ¿? WHAT DO YOU WANT GIRL.
Matthew still talks to much.
This is CLEARLY a wig.
This scene is just ridiculous.
As you can see, this movie is a better than the first one. Maybe because it's not supposed to be as dramatic. Those scenes where Anne had to cry or something were awful in the first movie but there's not scenes like that in this one so that makes it better immediately.
I also liked that they're a big group of friends.
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