For ppl like me who genuinely love the boldness and insanity of David Lynch’s DUNE, all this new Dune stuff is just gravy. I love having no stakes. If the movie works, awesome! Another great Dune adaptation. If not, we still have Lynch’s DUNE, one of the best designed movies ever
I mean I hated the way ppl used JODOROWSKY’s DUNE to shit on Lynch’s. Kids, if you think fuckin Jodorowsky of all ppl was going to make a coherent DUNE film you are high on your own supply. It would’ve LOOKED amazing, sure, but uhhh SO DOES LYNCH’s.
“B-but Moebius!” Yeah he rules. David Lynch’s DUNE still looks incredible. I mean even Frank Herbert said it looked like what he saw in his head, and sometimes “it looked better.”
Anyway rewatch DUNE and look past the messy editing and Toto score, and see through to the excellent and fun performances, the incredible costumes, and the cool effects and design work. Lynch and Herbert also added some cool elements NOT in the novels, too. Watch it!
Remember when the Sci-fi channel did those Dune miniseries and everyone was like “finally someone is gonna do Dune RIGHT” and yeah... not so much! Lol.
Fuck it, I'm rewatching DUNE right now.
Yeah the shield generators and the "Weirding Module" are both awesome things that deviate from the book (the book used the Weirding Way, a sort of ultra high speed kung fu). Two almost throwaway concepts that are still cooler and more interesting than 90% of sci fi on film.
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