I think Despy does a good job expressing his wrestling philosophy directly in his work, but I love hearing him talk about it in words too. In that interview, he said that he and Yoh have "completely opposite viewpoints when it comes to wrestling" and it's true, they really do.
When it comes to Despy's wrestling philosophy, I always think of this quote. His visual choices are thoughtful and intentional, but visually and stylistically, he's far removed from the "glitter and lights" flashy style of R3K.
I've said it before but in regard to his wrestling philosophy, I think Despy has more in common with Hiromu than anyone.
To be more specific here: First, I think all pro wrestling exists somewhere on a scale between "wrestlers trying to hide the real pain and injury inherent in pro wrestling" and "wrestlers intentionally using the real pain and injury inherent in pro wrestling for visual effect"...
...and I think Hiromu and Despy are operating somewhere very similar on that scale. Despy's willingness to bleed for his aesthetic in his match with Kasai and Hiromu having Lee hit him repeatedly until he has a very real very nasty bruise come from a similar philosophical place.
Hiromu and Despy are both operating at a similar distance from the "make this look like a choreographed dance or movie fight" side of that scale. During their matches and after them, they both refuse to pretend that wrestling is anything but painful and dangerous.
But they both also use this intentional philosophical choice to express something that's both beautiful and sincere. It's not a choice that's intended to shock or repel the audience but to make us feel something, to make us understand the feelings being expressed in the ring.
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