That's right.

The people who spent 45 days furiously rewriting The Real Past so they could construct A Fake Past that they could use to control The Present Moment & make this President look like a massive liar accused HIM of doing what they've been enthusiastically doing.
As @AlexpHSL points out, if Trump had just gotten up and read from a timeline, quotes from MSM TV hosts or top Democrats while giving the dates, the reporters in the room would just mock him and dismiss it as lies.

But in video form...watching & listening to their own networks?
That is why the video is so powerful.

The President of the United States of America confronted the History Rewriting Cultists with The Real History...their OWN Real History, not the fake history they manufactured to try to seize control of the present moment.
There's a moment in the film "Labyrinth" in which young Sarah is being entreated by the Goblin King to surrender herself to him, all his previous tricks have failed and that's the moment she finally defeats him forever by coming to a sudden realization:
"You have no power over me!"
Like The Goblin King [played to perfection by the great late David Bowie!], the Fake News Media and their political masters have only one real trick they use to get and keep influence and POWER over others.

They convince you THEY HAVE IT.
And once you SEE THROUGH the deception, that trick never works on you again.

So if you want to know why these people can't beat Trump, it's because he learned to see through this History Rewriting Cult's one trick decades ago.
Once you realize what a **crucial function** The Memory Hole plays for these cultists, you can have endless amounts of fun confronting them like a true Happy Warrior does, with their OWN WORDS and ACTIONS in video and audio and written form.
There is a word we've come to use to describe the kind of history rewriting the Progressive Left is having to do these days.

See, this process used to be *gradual*. It used to be done slowly, over time, a period of weeks, months, even years.

But not in the digital age.
In the digital age the History Rewriting Cult has to start it's work INSTANTLY and it has to produce it's New History to replace the Real History very quickly.

The word we've come to use to describe this frantic process is "gaslighting".
And what this President did yesterday, through one simple act, playing a video of the Democrats & DNC Media's own words about the pandemic in the early days with the dates establishing the time line, is that he utterly destroyed their frantic gaslighting.
Here's why they hate us: They relentlessly use The Memory Hole.

We don't.

We're not going around actively conditioning our own minds to 'forget' anything that contradicts what The Party is saying TODAY.

We don't think or behave this way.

They do.
This is why they have such an EMOTIONAL RESPONSE to being confronted with The Real Past instead of the Party Approved Past.

You are destroying their PROGRAMMING.

And trust me on this, a lot of effort & time goes into creating that programming & keeping it in place.
This is why when they realized **what the President was doing** with that video he was playing at the daily press briefing yesterday, PUTTING IT RIGHT IN THEIR FACES as the entire country was watching, people at CNN were literally losing their minds in absolute rage.
I said long thread, didn't I?

Here's the next section of it:

Why the great rage at having the Party History ripped up in front of their faces? What is actually being attacked by this that strikes to close to home that it provokes this reaction?

And the answer is this:
The Cult That Relentlessly Rewrites History does this to maintain one simple truth which nobody can ever be allowed to touch.

The self-image zealot Leftists have of themselves. Their own inner concept of their being the most moral, superior & perfect beings in existence.
The effort that goes into maintaining this self image of themselves is considerable.

And when you destroy the Party's version of The Official History or something like "Trump's Pandemic", you are also touching their self-image.
I've been fascinated by watching this dynamic in play for 40 years now, so back in 2012, I wrote this long think piece about what I dubbed "Liberal Pathology".
Individualists and strongly independent people don't thrive on the Progressive Left for very real reasons, which I go into at length in that article.
From that 2012 column:

"Progressives are not individualists; they seek Herd membership and status among the Collective is established by displaying love of conformity.

This is why groupthink commitment to The Accepted Group View is so vitally important to the Left."
You are dealing with people who are very susceptible to the politically correct methods of controlling thought, behavior and speech who are taught from the time they join 'the Herd' to self-condition their own minds to believe whatever Big Brother is saying TODAY.
What Big Brother was saying yesterday, a week ago or God forbid, a full year ago is irrelevant.

What Big Brother was saying a week or a year ago does not help shape the present moment & help Big Brother maintain power & influence over The Party.
When you watch the reporter's actions after having been made to watch that video of The Real History that totally destroyed Big Brother's version of what happened, you are literally watching brainwashed people fighting to preserve their Party identity.
These are people who seek Herd conformity, who's rise to the top was based on their constantly **demonstrating** their fealty to Big Brother through their having developed assiduously the ABILITY to forget the past and enthusiastically endorse whatever the Party Line is TODAY.
If it sounds like I'm describing the fanatical Communist apparatchiks under Stalin or the zealots waving around Mao's Little Red Book, that's because today's Progressive Left comes from the same philosophical movement, although until very recently they vehemently denied this.
Brainwashing yourself to be a good little Communist isn't just for the devotees of Lenin or Mao or Che any longer.

Much of the Progressive Left in America today came up through an academia steeped in the philosophy of the Frankfurter School & Marcuse.
Today the Progressive Left has so successfully taken over US academia students are taught to shriek like banshees at anybody who publicly expresses wrongthought that challenges The Party's Official GroupThink.

They are training students to be Donald Sutherland in that movie.
Every single reporter that reacted emotionally to that video yesterday came out of that academic system, has spent likely decades of their lives **training their minds** to enthusiastically love whatever Big Brother is saying today & memory holing the past.
That's why you notice them reacting so EMOTIONALLY to the video presentation.

They can't hide it and they are certainly not faking it.

It hit them **right where they live**. Right in the center of their own self-image.
And remember, the hate they have for people who do this kind of thing to them, who so completely and totally blow up their gaslighting in a way it completely exposes their Big Brother to mocking, ridicule and THE TRUTH, that hate is very real.

I've seen it.
Let me tell you something.

You **wound** these people on a very deep and personal level when you **will not let them have their precious memory hole**.

When you **do not let them rewrite the history** they are desperate to rewrite.
You'd better be prepared to be hated if you are going to spend your career pulling stuff out of that Memory Hole and confronting The Cult That Rewrites History with the Real Past instead of the Fake Past they've been working so hard to create and sell to the public.
Well I'll tell you this.

Trump isn't scared of these guys. He **welcomes** their hate. Because he very clearly sees the DAMAGE these people have been doing not just to this country, but to the entire world.

And he's not putting with it.
And neither did Andrew and neither am I.

I'm a Happy Warrior, pulling the Real History out of the Memory Hole and rubbing their faces in it every chance I get.

I'm going to HELP the President fight this cult.
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