I voted for Obama in 2008 but not 2012. In 2012 I voted Green Party cause I knew obama wouldn’t win Texas and I felt no loyalty to a party that had shown no loyalty to young people. I’ll vote Green Party for president in Texas again this year.
This tweet is a honey pot I’m just trying to get bullies to out themselves so I can get them out of my feed.

It’s amazing how many people think they are the good ones when their go to response to autistic women of color who don’t comply with establishment oppression is to bully
It's amazing how many ignorant dems there are who think that Biden would win Texas y'all aren't even pretending to pay attention come on now
Some of y'all are really ignorant about politics in Texas and it shows.

In small cities and towns in Texas, the democrats often don't run a candidate in local races. It's not unusual to have ONLY a republican or ONLY a republican and third party candidates running.

Because the democratic party doesn't even TRY to give voters like me an option to vote for them in local / regional races, in order to vote AGAINST the GOP I and others like me are forced to vote for green and libertarian candidates.

Texas laws like HB 2504 have been designed by republicans to shore up republican control of local and state politics by setting restrictions to ballot access. In order to get ballot access a third party needs to get a percentage of votes in a statewide race (like for pres of gov)
By voting for the green party in a presidential race in which my vote for a democrat is purely symbolic, I help get ballot access for the green party in local/state races - that is important because the democrats so often fail to run a candidate.

right now the green party has ballot access through 2026 due to getting a sufficient number of votes in statewide races in 2016.

if you want Texans to stop caring about third party ballot access then tell the democrats to run a candidate in EVERY RACE in Texas.
Simple minded people think the only way to "fight the GOP" is through voting democrat but these people are super ignorant and assume that if you vote straight ticket dem that you vote in every race. if you do that, you skip voting for local races esp. in small towns/cities.
It also comes down to the fact that fundamentally, Biden cannot win Texas. A vote for Biden is Texas is a purely symbolic gesture. Texas will turn purple for the right candidate but that will happen on the backs of Latino youth (like me).
Every 30 seconds another Latino in Texas reaches voting age, but democrats are not reaching out to Latino youth and especially not in Texas and instead allow anti-Latino racism to flourish in the party under the guise that only KKK style racism is a problem.
Biden's white supporters imagine themselves as white saviors, they screech about kids in cages and then turn around and rationalize why Biden's anti-Latino racism and tell Latina activists to shoot themselves, call us stupid, and assert that they know our lives better than we do.
Biden's white supporters are so busy objectifying the oppression of Latinos to use to advance their version of institutionalized white supremacy that they don't realize how they participate in the violence of racism when they fail to let Latinos speak for ourselves.
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