It’s very simple: If you want to neuter Trump, you have to fight him at his base.

That means being EXCEPTIONALLY tactical in your use of narrative to bend and mold their realities.

Stop doing the same old boring honorable thing. Start fighting memetically, unabashedly.
It won’t be just one thing. It’s going to be a series of memetic moves.

One key goal is to engender *disgust* and *distrust* between his base and his image.
The second important thing is to corrupt the (hyperbolic) image of him they’ve deluded themselves into believing.
You really, really have to get into the heads of a core member of the Trump base at this point. Really take to heart @JonHaidt’s Moral Foundations framework, and understand that the Trump Base values certain moral flavors that are different than yours:
(1) These people worship strength. They flock to power. They naturally fall in line behind strong male oratory.

So, for instance, you could show videos of Reagan soothing the country in times of crisis, encouraging solidarity. Then perhaps cut to clips of deranged Trump?
Alternatively, just have a channel where we use clips and oratory from past great leaders. Remind them how high the bar should be set. Let their normal diet of Fox News give them the contrast.

But remember that Audio is critical - it’s a very different cognitive pathway.
You can follow @pwang.
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