You've probably heard by now that Hollywood is dishing out yet another remake of a classic movie: this time it's David Lynch's #Dune, based on the 1965 science fiction novel by Frank Herbert.

In this thread we'll take a peek at the "new and improved" version by Denis Villeneuve.
As you might imagine, Villeneuve's #Dune features a "vibrant" and "diverse" cast: an apt reflection of the on-going White erasure which we all experience in our daily lives.

Remember Liet Kynes, played by Max von Sydow (RIP) in Lynch's adaptation? He is now a black woman 🤡
The protagonist's love interest, played by Sean Young in David Lynch's #Dune, has also been replaced by a black woman.
The protagonist's father, Duke Leto Atreides, played by German actor Jürgen Prochnow in Lynch's #Dune, is now portrayed by Jewish Latino Oscar Isaac.
"But at least the protagonist is still White"...
Sure, if by White you mean Jewish.
"But it's just a dumb science fiction movie, what's the big deal?"

It's not just a movie. Modern epics, such as Dune, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, etc., are one of the last stands of implicit White Identity.
It's not about "equality": non-Whites couldn't care less about being represented in fantasy and science fiction movies. These stories don't appeal to them.

It's about demoralizing Whites, by taking away every last form of escapism that's still remotely healthy for us.
Let them do that, I say!
Once it becomes impossible for young White men to avoid facing their own victimization, perhaps they will start doing something about it.
The time for dreams and fantasies is over.

The sleeper must awaken!
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