Damn you’re stupid.
Bush lost 8.7 million jobs.
Trump lost 20 million in three weeks.
Bush lost 6k points in the market
Trump lost 10k
During Obama we could still work.
Obama got handed 11% unemployment.
Ended at 4.8
After THREE YEARS Trump got it to 3.8
It’s now at 20% https://twitter.com/trumplicanjen/status/1250018550124875776
But let’s continue, shall we?
Obama crushed Ebola, we never saw it in the US.
H1N1 killed 12k in the US, usually kills 30k in a year because OBAMA acted. He didn’t golf or hold rally’s.
Trumps golf jerk off and “Hoax” bullshit has cost us 25k dead. IN THREE WEEKS.
But lets go even farther.
Obama never had to shut us down.
He didn’t pack airports with the infected.
He didn’t send unprotected workers to bring people back like Assface Mcgee did.
He gave the states all the assistance they needed
Launched federal programs.
More? K.
Obama never told the states ”you’re on your own, compete for supplies, oh and when you get the life saving medical supplies, the federal government is gonna take it” Trump did
Obama created a pandemic team that stopped fukn EBOLA.
Trump killed that team AND 25k Americans
More you snarky moron?
Trump made the US a laughing stock.
Obama brought our troops home from a war started on a lie.
He got Bin laden
Trump can’t read the word anonymous.
He up charges secret service 2k for a golf cart? That’s YOUR TAX MONEY ya imbecile.
You want to compare?
Obama got 30 million people healthcare.
Trump took it away and fucked around and now we are locked in our houses without jobs. Some can’t get food.
So PLEASE all you assholes that want to “Whatabout Obama!” Bring it the fuck on.
More? Cool.
Michelle Obama started a healthy food program for our kids,
Trump killed it AND the garden she had at the White House.
Trumps soft core pornstar wife is building a TENNIS PAVILION with YOUR tax money.
Really connected to the common man isn’t she?
More? Gladly.
Obama honored our troops and protected them. Refused to put boots on the ground and STILL got rid of Ghadafi.
Trump fired a 28 year veteran and navel academy grad because he sent a letter saying HE DIDNT WANT HIS SAILORS TO DIE. You should be fukn ashamed.
Obama didn’t have ONE. Indictment or investigation, never had to fire the head of the FBI because they caught him doing shady shit.
Trump has eight counts of obstruction, 44 indictments, 7 convictions, and got IMPEACHED for extorting a ally buy stopping military aid!
Obama has an amazing family, two daughters and a wife that is a badass lawyer. Obama is a constitutional law attorney and head of the Harvard law review.
Trump said he’d date his DAUGHTER!
Won’t release his school records or taxes and currently has told 18k lies. This was his pal
So PLEASE bring me all your issues about Obama of ANY ex president. Because compared to this wannabe dictator, pussy grabbing orange fat man, even Nixon looks like Tom fukn Hanks. Goodnight!
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