Contact tracing was studied in Chapters 5-7 of the paper. We studied country practices, initiatives by technologists and a study of what’s happening in India. We did a case study of Aarogya Setu against systems like Singapore’s TraceTogether and MIT’s Private Kit:Safe Paths
Privacy respecting principles for contact tracing include:
✅Use of applications should be voluntary and should remain in control of user
✅All data should be stored locally
✅Data must be encrypted
✅Government should not be able to access data
✅Data should not be stored in a central server
✅Systems should appreciate that location data and movements are sensitive personal information
✅Privacy by design is more than just assurances of encryption and anonymization
Therefore, contact tracing solutions must adhere to two principles:
- Strict limits in terms of collection, use and duration
- Comprehensive evidence based justifications every step of the way
We found Aarogya to be subpar compared to MIT and Singapore in several ways
- The purpose doesn’t appear to be disease control
- Instead of being primary agency the involvement of the health ministry is minimal
- This can be used for law enforcement or lockdown control
- No consistency with principles of minimisation
- Opaque practices lead to increase in Government discretion & impunity
- Unsupervised algorithms may take decisions which affect people’s rights including whether they can take public transport or move around in community
- No provision for accountability of govt
- No scheme to audit the govts practices and ensure deletion of personal data
- Risk of permanent systems of surveillance because no mention of sunset clause
- Using anonymization as a justification for permanent data analysis systems
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