2/n. Cutaneous gamma delta T cell lymphomas (CGDTLs) are poorly understood highly aggressive but heterogeneous lymphomas of the skin-homing gamma delta T cell. Through creativity and hard work, @Jay___Daniels and @petergdoukas uncovered the drivers of disease heterogeneity.
3/n. Take home messages! 1) Differences in cell of origin drive CGDTLs' clinical heterogeneity. Epidermal and dermal CGDTLs are derived from V delta 1 gd T cells. Panniculitic CGDTLs are derived from a new cell type we discovered, the V gamma 3 V delta 2 gd T cell.
4/n. 2) For example, V delta 2 lymphomas make more IFN-g and cytotoxic markers. Correspondingly, cytokine driven paraneoplastic syndromes such as hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) only occur in patients with V delta 2 lymphomas.
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