I have never blindly supported a candidate based on their party affiliation and I never will. The use of manipulative tactics from parties and politicians, which are perpetuated by their supporters, are toxic & pervasive. As a @BernieSanders supporter, I've been persecuted by
both 'sides of the aisle' using guilt, fear & obligation in an attempt to manipulate me into supporting their chosen leader. Those on Team #Trump are overt about it. #Biden supporters do so more covertly. I support candidates that have platforms & ideals that most closely
represent my views, are logical, & will help the most people. I also feel like we should hold our prospective elected officials to a higher standard, considering we are elevating them into positions of power & expecting them wield that power to serve the people they represent.
Both #Trump and #Biden are problematic. They're both purported racists, sexual predators & abusers. They're both funded by the wealthiest few people among us & the corporations. Those people (corporations are people, my friends) seek to exploit and oppress
the laborers and lower income people of our country, the majority, We The People. The red side and the blue side appeal to emotion and exploit cognitive biases to garner support from their base of voters. The vast majority of our population pays little to no mind to what's
happening in politics. They identify with the general tagline of either party & vote however they're told to vote by said party, even doing so when the proposed candidate is problematic. Both sides are convinced their person is the "lesser of two evils". What blows my mind is
the fact that PEOPLE RECOGNIZE BOTH SIDES HAVE PROPOSED EVIL, and they're still compelled to vote for one or the other. There are always additional choices, but people are conditioned to think they have to choose one of the two. Again, we have these cognitive biases due to
lack of participation and interest in politics. We can do things differently. When Bernie said #NotMeUs when he talked about a grassroots movement, he was trying to get things done differently, to shift the balance of power away from the people represented by these
partisan politicians, from the uber wealthy and corporations, back into the hands of We The People. They have done everything in their power to stop that from happening, and people bought into the narrative once again. They've been manipulated, they've been shamed
they've been scared, they've felt obligated & guilty...so they're supporting ONE OF TWO SEXUAL PREDATORS instead of standing with @BernieSanders or banding together behind a 3rd party candidate like @HowieHawkins.They will actually represent US, instead of
corporations and billionaires. It is AGONIZING. I will not be manipulated into blind support for a party. There are MILLIONS of us. The fact that so many concessions are having to be made should go to show you how powerful "We The People" really are. We should be paid living
wages for our time and effort in creating profits for the corporations and billionaires. Healthcare and education should be human rights. These things should not be based on how much money you have. Period! We can reconstruct this system to work in favor of all of us. But...
YALL ARE BLOWING IT. Stop telling me to vote for the lesser of two evils. I'm not. I won't. Never again. I KNOW more and more people will wake up to what is happening. #Covid_19 is showing millions of people how rigged and biased our system is. I have hope, I have faith
that a brighter future WILL happen, because we will make it happen. Tomorrow is not decided, you do not HAVE TO vote for one of the partisan candidates. Bernie did what he had to do. He's been fighting for years. Now it's up to Us. Choose good, not the lesser of two evils.
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again." -Thomas Paine

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. ✌💗

#NeverBiden #NeverTrump.
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