bh and armys have normalized the boys collapsing bc of exhaustion and having those vulnerable moments exposed to the point they don't see how incredibly fcked up all of that is. the members are hard workers but working till they collapse it's wrong. they're humans not machines.
I feel so uncomfortable bc they always say they do all of this for us but what they really want? they overwork themselves so badly, the company doesn't let them breathe a moment, they're manipulated into thinking that doing that n "living" for the fans it's normal when it's not.
they're treated like dolls by both bh and armys, it's like they don't matter bc they're put out there just to perform and be pretty. that fckn company milks them and only care about money n I can't believe majority of the fandom doesnt see the problem with all of that. It's sick.
I just want them to be selfish for once and to care about themselves more. bh guilt trips them so much and it's so blatantly obvious. all of this is fcked up, they don't deserve this.
you're just proving my point with this reply. It's wrong the way they're overworked and it's wrong that such things are being showed, they shouldn't be filmed during those moments. bts dont have the time to sit, watch and approve all those long ass dvds. y'all are brainwashed.
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