A thread of spill or drink with precious souls. Just for your information, this thread might contain a lot of mun's talk and out of character things, so if you feel disturbed with this, feel free to unfollow or soft blocking me, thank you so much for your comprehension.
γ…€ https://twitter.com/defankazm/status/1250047214618992647
𝐈. I've always made an effort to adapt in every kind of situation. Observe the new environment slowly, take many good things there for me to learn more, I mean, it will be an experience for me personally. Tetapi hal yang pasti akan aku lakukan, aku harus menjadi diriku sendiri.
𝐈𝐈. The answer is, yes, a triple yes. I must admit it because here, in this fictitious world has a lot of extraordinary great usefulness and I'm very happy yet grateful to meet many people, who have their own uniqueness. πŸ•Š
𝐈𝐈𝐈. Sebentar, bingung. Apa, ya? Ah, pernah, salah menyapa orang lain, karena username mereka, pun ava, mirip sekali!
πˆπ•. Permisi, izin membetulkan, menurutku itu bukan perempuan, tetapi oknum. Karena, gak semua perempuan seperti itu, termasuk aku pribadi. Tidak semua hal masalah, harus kamu ceritakan kepada orang lain.
Terkadang ada hal yang sebaiknya harus kita pendam, karena jika diceritakan, tidak akan berdampak baik bagi orang lain atau diri sendiri. Jadi, tolong berhati-hatilah dalam cerita bukan karena sulit mempercayai, tetapi karena kita sudah lebih bijak dalam menghadapi suatu masalah,
dan belajar mementukan sebuah pilihan, mana masalah yang layak dan pantas untuk diceritakan, mana yang tidak.
𝐕. Artemisha Gantari Vondra, seorang psikologi yang tinggal di kota Yogyakarta. Mendengarkan radio, dan membaca buku lawas adalah kesukaannya, sejak dahulu.
π•πˆ. Memakai rupa Yoona SNSD, sebagai visualisasi.
π•πˆπˆ. Inhale, exhale. Give yourself time to heal and adapt to the new normal. Get out and engage with life, following your interests and curiosity. Deliberately focus on others to combat intense self-focus.
Put on your observer hat and notice what other people seem to be feeling and doing. Do you notice any similarities or skills you can learn from them, perhaps?
π•πˆπˆ. Just a little reminder, you can freely check and scroll this thread if you don't mind and have a lot of free time, x. https://twitter.com/searalyn/status/1247316805237870593
You can follow @searalyn.
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