Also I'll never forget holding on tight to one of my fellow recruits while she cried and talked about how her dad used to yell at her that she was weak and useless, and all I could do was hold tight and tell her I had her, she was safe, he couldn't get her anymore.
Three days later it was another woman doing the same thing, but this time talking about her ex-husband.

I mean I was 22 years old and my family was not like that and I had no idea what I was doing?
But we got each other through. Hour by hour. You are perpetually tired and on edge and sore from the physical exercise and under those conditions you find out who you are.

It turned out that under those conditions I was an auntie.
Some people got washed out due to physical injuries or conditions that had gone undiagnosed until then because they hadn't had medical care.

But we didn't lose anybody to their existing trauma responses, cause we took care of each other.
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