So the topline is that LGBT rights are pretty popular. Let's dig in a little more.

Our sample size makes us one of the few (possibly only, besides Gallup) able to provide a profile of self-identified LGBT Americans.
About 5% of Americans self-identify as LGBT - note that could be low due to declining to identify or other identities, such as QIA.

LGBT Americans are similar to whole population in a lot of ways, but also less white, younger, and WAY less religious.
Moving to the full population, one of the questions we've tracked for several years now is allowing small businesses to refuse service to LGBT people on religious grounds.

These #s are mostly steady, but opposition has slowly eroded from 61% in 2016 to 56% in 2019.
It's not just one subgroup moving, either. Perhaps some of it is lower issue salience causing weaker views - but it's difficult to tell. This policy ties in religious views, business views, and LGBT rights views - and which one determines views will be different for everyone.
Interestingly, conservatives have moved less than liberals and moderates. Same for some conservative religious groups. For once the white evangelical Protestants aren't taking center stage (at least movement-wise - they still show lower opposition than most others).
Anyway, you can go read the report for more on that - and a regression model on what's driving views on that question.

And, of course, we have state-level estimates.
We also have state-level (and much more!) on support for nondiscrimination laws protecting LGBT folks. These are really popular. Lowest # is 59% support in Alaska. Even most of the South is 2/3 or more support.
And finally, continuing our long trend on same sex marriage, a substantial majority of the country remains in favor. We're seeing some leveling off of the growth in support, but it's holding steady.
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