Why the LP lost [Thread]
- felt a bit bored

Endeavouring to end the ‘problem of Europe’ once and for all a referendum was called 23 June 2016 by the Conservative Party.

This result was ~50/50; albeit ‘Leave’ achieved a narrow victory
Theresa May, obliged to fulfil the result of the ref called a GE in 2017 to increase her chances in pushing through her necessary measures, the so-called ‘deal’.

However, throughout the campaign of this election Brexit was scarcely ever mentioned and May lost numerous seats.
The overwhelming majority of MPs, what with their ranks increased by Labour MPs and seeing practical economic sense, railed against the ‘deal’ Theresa May was trying to strike with the EU and she was defeated three times.
An impasse resulted, the government became non-functional (being described as a Zombie Government) and the population grew tired of the Brexit debate, indeed, the very word itself.
May was forced to resign. Boris Johnson took her place, eventually forcing the GE of 2019 almost by wearing down the Labour Party by saying such things as “don’t you want a GE then?”
Cleverly, the Conservatives focused this election, unlike that of 2017, on Brexit and employed a simple phrase of “Get Brexit Done” – a similar mantra tactic of “Vote Leave, Take Back Control” had been used successfully in the EU Referendum.
This, coupled with the fact that many traditional Labour working class areas, had become indoctrinated with the idea that the ‘foreigner’ (EU member of otherwise) had taken their jobs from them, ensured a crushing victory for the Conservative Party.
In short, working class gullibility and Nationalism provisioned victory

[End of thread]
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