Kirbyville is 50 miles away from me. This region, like so many in this country, have areas of people w/great wealth (think big oil, refineries, chemical plants), & pockets of deep poverty, often generational, one generation after another never increasing wealth/holdings. 🙁
Compound that with layoffs in the tens of thousands, and you land where we are: Food banks unable to meet demand, and people like the couple in the video who, even prior to this pandemic, existed on disability stipends and who are now unable to even put food in their pantry.
It's all a goddamned shame, and, as millions have said before me, should never happen in a country of such great wealth.

Anyway...if you want to help humankind, & are wondering what you can do to help a great # of your fellow citizens, food banks are always, always, in need.
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