To those of us who are neither Blairites nor hard left, the leaked report sums up the despair of 25 years of being ruled by lunatic hard-right & hard-left, both of whom are tight-knit paranoid vanguardists who believe in the party being ruled by a rigid, narrow sect (their own)
I remember my gradual realisation as a teenager that the institutions of the party - HQ & regional offices esp - were run by this weird Labour Students > Staffer conveyor belt of cultists who honestly believed that any policy to the left of Alan Milburn or John Reid was communism
I largely dealt with Region. In their heads, they were the Blairite Praetorian Guard, crack troops of the Labour Ultra-Right. They did indeed have unthinkingly rigid Blairite politics, but they were also usually v. stupid & incompetent. Everything they ever touched turned to shit
They all loved 'The Thick of It', seeing it as an instruction manual. Slight problem was that reality was rather prosaic. They applied their mixture of rigid aggression & clowncar incompetence to weighty matters such as 'Central Xshire County Council selections'. The Bathos...
Then after years of that, which was very trying indeed, we were swamped with another group of paranoid nutters: the conspiracist loons of the Corbynite hard left, who thought that anyone who didn't want to nationalise the whole economy and shoot the Queen tomorrow was a Tory.
For a brief period - the one chronicled by the leaked report - we had the nightmare scenario of the party machine still being run by the hard-right loons, while the leadership & membership fell into the hands of the hard-left loons, literally the worst of all possible worlds
Meanwhile, those of us who weren't keen on Blair and (to put it mildly) got queasy about e.g. the Iraq War or PFI or light-touch financial regulation, but also weren't nutty Bolsheviks who believed that everything was an Israel-orchestrated conspiracy, quietly despaired.
For those getting their knickers in a twist about the report, 1. It is a) bad & b) totally unsurprising, 2. Don't think the WhatsApp groups of the hard left nutters wouldn't be as bad in their way and 3. If you think we lost the 2017 election because of these staffers, you're mad
Labour HQ and regional parties have won and lost elections with the same ragtag band of Blairite incompetents, in a General Election their actions are such a tiny factor in terms of the overall result as to be close to zero in impact.
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