*random northamerican post*: whY areN’t yOu rEAl 😭😭😭😭😭* *he/she inserts an Emperor’s fanart*
me: man the main reason why your nation got its independence was that your ancestors didn’t want to pay taxes to the British crown, god why would you want a fucking Emperor
you guys know that the Emperor doesn’t believe in anarchocapitalism right
he literally constructed a whole philosophical doctrine around his figure
if you don’t comulgue with his thoughts you shall probably die
that’s not definitely anarchism
he can be capitalist or communist or even a fucking keynesianist when it comes to economics but well if he was real you’d have to say goodbye to that thing you say to love so much like
you know
your fucking freedom of thought and speech
he/she: “america is the paradise of freedom!”
he/she too: “oh please Big E come and fuck me and destroy those political and basic civil rights I’ve been actively fighting for please I love you so much I can’t even explain myself hope you”ll be real someday 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
i honestly will never understand how someone could ever defend the Emperor in a not ironically way
what the fuck if I lived in 40k I would rather prefer the Taus and they’re not even the good guys, that galaxy is a horrible place please you’d probably die in a very stupid manner
end of this thread I guess
please remember I don’t like USA government but I don’t hate every single american I know either
you can make fun of Spain if you want too, I don’t really care
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