Ok don't hate me but.. yes it's painful to see BTS in pain, physically or mentally. However, I don't think the boys would allow BH to post those scenes if they weren't comfortable with it. I guarantee you there's likely loads of footage that they have kept to themselves.
Which makes sense. BTS have made it clear that they want to be able to be vulnerable with ARMY. However, they likely keep a lot of stuff to themselves, and they have the absolute right to.

There have been stories the boys have told that we've never seen +
and, in reality, we STILL only see the surface. We've never actually seen super serious arguments, major emotional events, extreme turmoil, seriously major injuries, etc. And that's a good thing. Those things are on a deeper level of personal than +
the slivers of vulnerability that we've been shown. In a sense, I feel like they allow themselves even that much is because it humanizes them in a sense. Reminds us that BTS human beings with complex feelings and personalities just like the rest of us.
I feel like if BH really were exploiting their vulnerable moments, we'd have seen a lot more than both ARMY or BTS would've likely wanted to.

I would also like to mention that, when it comes to celebrity documentaries, usually tour docs and the like, +
the main purpose of them is to give you a look into the artists' lives, to show the world a sort of more intimate or vulnerable side of them that, in turn WE, the audience, can relate to and, again, humanize them.
YES, it's painful to see them in pain. But the point isn't to enjoy watching their pain, the point is to shed light on how THEY live their human lives as people are are constantly in the spotlight. You're not supposed to feel positivity, you're supposed to gain understanding.
Yes, I obviously don't agree with every decision that BH makes. Yes, they downright infuriate me in some instances. But I'm not going to sit here and pretend that everything they do is against the boys' wishes. BTS are not helpless idiots.
Now, I would personally not like to see that jungkook video on my tl bc, duh, i don't like seeing them in pain.
also, one last point, but none of that footage would've been posted without their consent. BTS has given their full consent and definitely have the right remove any and all footage that they do not feel comfortable with sharing.
You don't have to like it, you're not necessarily supposed to. But you don't have to go around pretending like BH are exploiting/abusing them since they make money off of it (and so do BTS btw, it's literally THEIR content).
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