I respect all the comics people posting "get an agent" advice. In my experience it's pretty difficult. I spent all last year trying, and never received one email back. I was recommended through friends and colleagues to their agents, blind queries— nada.
Now, I don't wanna toot my own horn too much but like, I've published three critically acclaimed books (pitched and negotiated sans agent) and have won and been nominated for lots of awards. My books sell ok, get translated, go into second editions etc. I'm not a bum prospect.
As soon as I stopped looking for agents and posted about my proposals online, I had editors from big houses asking me to pitch and I'm negotiating with some potential publishers currently (all on pause because of covid). So I dunno!
I'd still like to work with an agent. I think their expertise and access would be useful. But the only thing that's ever worked for me is mucking in and sorting things myself. 🤷‍♀️
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