I’m watching Masterchef AUS and I noticed some Malaysian Chinese on the show.
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Malaysian Chinese who emigrate to AUS, US and UK are ever willing to become “mat salleh”. They not only speak the language, pick up the accent, go to their schools and kiss-ass to the locals so that they would be “part of the gang”. They are even so proud to marry the whites.
Contrast to Malaysia. A lot of the Chinese who have been here for multi-generations, still resist speaking the language, refuse to mix and mingle with Malays, reject our national schools, insult our language, culture & religion.
From this observation, we can see that Chinese Malaysian sees the “mat salleh” as superior. Therefore, they aspire to be like “mat salleh” and crave their acceptance.
Meanwhile, Chinese Malaysian sees us Malays as inferior to them. Therefore, they look down on us, reject our language & culture and believe they can do a better job in running our own lands.
The fact that Chinese Malaysians try very hard to become “mat salleh” when they are in Western lands (and even on Malay lands), shows that they themselves suffer from inferiority complex.
My brother once said that the colour of skin plays a part in being seen as inferior/superior to another race.
For some reason, the whiter you are, the more “superior” you think you are relative to someone who is darker skinned than you.
On that basis, Chinese Malaysians think that they are superior to Malays because subconsciously maybe, they are fairer than Malays.
However, they self-loathingly accept that they are inferior to “mat salleh” because they are the darker skinned one compared to the Caucasian.
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