1/ And @nytimes continues to slide further into fiction this morning with this gem: the US needs “foreign doctors” because hospitals “are scrambling to address a shortage of medical professionals... (and keep) a full supply of health care workers.”
2/ Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, hospitals are desperately laying off employees because they’re so empty:
3/ It is notable that the @nytimes quotations from @NYGovCuomo and @CAgovernor were both dredged up from the end of March -when both had far more reason to be concerned.
4/ But I can only keep asking: What are @nytimes @washingtonpost etc doing? Why are they going to such lengths to keep driving unfounded - and at this point actively counterfactual - narratives for as long as possible?
5/ I guess I’m hoping that somehow @nytimes is so NYC focused it has missed the reality everywhere else. Because the alternative is way worse.
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