Many folks whose basic worldview is:

- that can't change
- already been tried
- shouldn't change
- just be normal
- stop changing things already
The decelerationist ideology

It's essentially an attempt to verbally put a brake on accelerating change. No, this can't happen. No, stop doing that. X, you invented X!

This kind of person was already melting down over peacetime levels of mostly good technological change...
Put another way: if you're listening to someone who hopes things should not change, are they conflating that with the belief that things will not change?

Because the decelerationist ideology is perfectly unsuited for this moment. It desires stasis and therefore forecasts it.
Of course many virus-driven changes are extremely, calamitously bad. But the way to prevent them from happening is not to be in a constant state of denial that they *could* happen. 
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