You gonna pay a solicitor to send letters and emails to enough people to make up 124 pages...who is paying for all of that?? How you gonna track them down?
Sounds like bollocks to me to try and scare people with "the law". All these things cost money. Who is funding all of this?
How do you know Hamas has targeted these people? Which nazi groups?
What legal team? Which firm or is this just a mate they are consulting?
On what grounds will you contacting these people? GDPR?
Good like trying to sue individual people for "8.5 million". All 124 pages of them😂😂😂😂
Sorry this has to be a joke.
I'm also gonna look forward to all the evidence provided on how you are your "organisation" go about harassing and doxxing people on the internet. Contacting their work places etc. But go ahead.
You can even add me to your "list" if you like. I'm already on various hate lists by right wingers so it really makes no difference.
If it was this easy to do so many charities and activist orgs I know and have worked for would be filing law suits left right and centre given how many times right wing orgs have got hold of personal data and leaks. So it's a fair question to ask how LAAS think they will succeed.
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