I'm glad people are turning out for Biden. I am. But just this once (probably) I want to talk for a second about how disappointed I still am that the most talented, capable, caring, accomplished person ever to run for president was so vilified simply because she was a woman.
I hate that for the country, for what we could have had, and also what it says about how we still are awash in misogyny.
White women are some of the most privileged people in this country. We are the main group helped by affirmative action. We don't have to deal with most of the layers of bullshit that is intersectional disenfranchisement.
But in 2016, against a man like Trump, we still couldn't get it done. Couldn't break that ceiling.
With the best presidential candidate this country has ever had.
To me that says we need to keep pushing. Push harder. We have so far to go.

Someday we will have our first woman president *cough* Kamala Harris *cough*. And that day, I will celebrate. Loudly.
But I won't be satisfied. Not until we see presidents, plural, who are:

Members of the LGBTQ community
Openly atheist
Until we break down ALL those barriers, they will each exist to some extent.

Because not only are those barriers intersectional, they exist as part of a whole, both societally and within individuals.
You're rarely going to find someone who is a racist who isn't also a misogynist. Or a homophobe. Or ableist.
The pinnacle of perfection, according to society as a whole, is the

Christian, healthy, prosperous, straight white man

And *any* departure from that is demonized—a word I use with full intent.
So it's not enough to punch through the glass ceiling. We need to pulverize it so that no jagged edges exist to stop anyone on the way up, be they woman, black, queer, disabled, single, and/or a believer in only what can be proven.
Ironically, the next step to getting that done is to get Joe Biden elected. Lol the irony.

So. Let's do it. Let's go get our Christian white straight abled man elected. Then we keep going.
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