Dear minister @BarbaraCreecy_ , when fmr minister Zokwana left office he asked for a handover meeting and report. You IGNORED AGAIN & AGAIN. When you got to that dept why did you deliberately block BXI attorney's from working and then told its owner that you DON'T wanna see him ?
After they managed to pull of a historic worldwide achievement and recovered money back to SA ? Are you deliberately trying to get a white owned firm to take over the work and achievements of BXI ?
Did you engage minister of Justice @RonaldLamola and finance minister @tito_mboweni and @TreasuryRSA before proceeding with legal action against BXI attorney's? As you have very little understanding of this complex issue.
Did you inform @DIRCO_ZA that you will be challenging this INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT as it involves @TheJusticeDept and UK authorities?
Why did you @BarbaraCreecy_ refuse to meet whistleblower Siphokazi Ndudane to hear her side of the story and instead made all possible things to make her life in that department unbearable ?
Why did you say you DON'T WANT TO WORK WITH HER ?
Without hearing their side of the story? Do you have a particular issue with these people and what information to you have as basis is for denying a right to be heard?
Why have you ignored the corruption of your DG Mike Mlengana & senior officials in your dept which theres been evidence and evidence and even an entire #MastersReport showing all this corruption in the dept that continuous STILL?
Are you protecting DG Mike Mlengana & those seniors officials from facing the might of the law and to account for the corruption levelled against them ?
I'll wait for your comment before releasing files. Thank you.
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