What Modi isn’t willing to listen:

- Covid-19 is leading us to a situation where people & companies are NOT going to be able to make their loan repayments.

- India’s already humongous (and mismanaged) NPA bubble is only going to rise further. There WILL be defaults.

- Several lenders WILL go down as a result of this. Sadly, these lenders are also those who have your deposits

- Imagine losing your job AND your money in the bank? Yeah - it’s not entirely impossible.

Constant Covid-19 coverage isn’t leading to panic. Rather, it has numbed people who are already locked down at home.

Sadly, it’s also numbed our govt which is keen on pretending that “we aren’t so badly affected” without even testing enough.

Over the next 6-8 months, about 25% of you reading this won’t have a job. About 50% of you would’ve taken pay cuts. And you’re still the relatively privileged lot. Imagine what happens to the poor.

But the Modi govt doesn’t wanna tell you that.

And that’s why this banging utensils, lighting diyas & the charade of “positivity” needs to STOP.

Nothing is going to wish away this crisis. Denial won’t help.

We need the govt to be honest, own up, & TAKE CONCRETE ACTION!

Modi govt hasn’t said anything concrete on jobs, relief for the poor, wage insurance, stimulus packages, or fiscal policy.

Eg. we are still spending 20,000 crores on “redeveloping Delhi Central Vista” while seeking foreign aid.

As Dylan said- a hard rains a-gonna fall.

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