oh GOD, watching the 2000s-era linkin park music videos is just. oh my god. it's so, so painfully 90s
I can't believe I thought the "in the end" music video was cool
the video for "breaking the habit," though? fucking legendary. LEGENDARY *chef kiss*
oh my god, I had some sense of it, but the video for "somewhere I belong" more or less takes place in the hollowed-out shell of a destroyed gundam. my god. yeah, bby!sophie definitely honed in like *SHING!!!!!* on the asian iconography
holy shit lmao this cgi has dated so terribly
omg "one step closer" opens with TWO asian girls, a black girl, and vaguely brown dude, no *wonder* I was feeling it hardcore in the 00s
also, the fuckin floating monks. like. the floating monks. asian af, the wuxia connection is extremely direct
like, yeah, chester is the face of the band, but imo mike and joe are the driving forces that give linkin park its distinctive hybrid sound (take them away and you have a generic metal setup). so in my heart, linkin park is always gonna be an asian american band too
lmaoooo omg this 2000s CGI, the pts.OF.athrty vid is like. straight up AsAm cyberpunk y2k high-budget fantasy of the time
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