I'm making another question thread even tho yall basically ignored my last one but alas.

I'd prefer if you quote tweet to respond and I can RT that but replies are fine too.

The theme of this question thread is: stuff that's on my mind and more

Okay let's go!
1. What month are you born in (or think you were born in) and what is an important event that normally occurs then?

You can use calendars other than the Gregorian one as well
2. If you could change the name of any university in the world, which university would that be and what new name would it have?
3. Which country(ies) would you say is the most beautiful?

(You've either visited it or spent time looking into it)
4. What is your favourite word in a foreign (to you) language?
5.if you had the opportunity to speak to anyone dead or alive for an hour, who would it be and why?
6. Would you want to be immortal? In this sense that you could live forever but are not indestructible.

So you wouldn't die or natural causes or diseases nor so but you could be killed or get hurt physically.
7. Would you want to be immortal AND indestructible?
8. How would you feel if you found out that 1 in 1000 ppl could read minds?
9. Spray deodorant, roll on or none of the above?
10. If you could have three wishes (think of genies), what would you wish for?

Except: there are no rules!
11. Do you believe in supernatural creatures or events?
12. What supernatural creatures are you at least partially convinced exist?
13. Have you ever had a supernatural experience? If so, what was it?
14. Tea or coffee? (Or neither?)
15. [Insert own question for the masses here]
I'm gonna take a break to nap and maybe I'll continue this thread later maybe not.
You can follow @NonosbahM.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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