I'm really curious to know how Bernie supporters are taking Sanders endorsement of Biden? I would think it a betrayal. Sanders suspends his campaigns after all the support given. When really he dropped out and gave up on all of you. I tried to be open minded to Sanders but this..
I will not vote for Biden or Trump. Neither appeal to me as favorable Presidents. Either way I long suspected like I have every election that I would vote Green in the Generals.
If a single person gets on this thread to say "no vote for biden is a yes vote for Trump". You can shove that misinformed notion right where the sun don't shine. I refuse to be put in another position of lesser evil voting.
Which is exactly where Bernie Sanders abandoned his full on supporters and potential supporters. All that time, work, effort, and support just to pay the DNC and drop out. Thanks to Sanders the DNC has full coffers to run Biden.
By Sanders being the underdog of truly considered candidates in the Dem party he set the stage for a more "likable" Joe Biden. That was Bernies real role to be Bidens extreme left since Trump is Bidens Extreme right. Two extremes to a more middle moderate candidate.
Who is most likely then to get voted for? Obviously Joe Biden. Bernie supporters were swindled to drum up support for the Democrat party and its final nominee. That's why early on Bernie said he would support who ever it is.
The DNC knew by making Bernie state blue no matter who, promising his support, and endorsement this would get Sanders supporters on board for lesser Evil voting. Which amazingly many are agreeing to do. Even though for months you stated how bad Biden is.
I have been honest, opinionated, and mostly correct about the motives, patterns, and behavior of the Democrat party. The level of corruption exuded from both parties and it's no wonder the innocent sit in jail while the guilty go free. Enough is Enough of these shenanigans.
Bernie Supporters I hope you see before it's to late how you were used and will continue to be used so the establishment, which Bernie swindled you into supporting, wins. He played a lot of people for fools.
It's not too late to reverse course and get away from the foolish games of the DNC. You still have us Greens who have no issue standing up to Trump or Biden with a platform for planet, people, and peace. All you have to do is vote Green!
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