Claire Saffitz from the @bonappetit test kitchen is basically a scientist working in a lab

A thread ⬇️

Figure 1: The moment you realised you’ve sold your soul to academia and nothing means anything anymore
Supplementary Movie 1: Reading a long list of reagent with questionable names
Supplementary Movie 2: The exasperation of not finding the correct chemical in your lab cabinet
Supplementary Movie 3: Following a ridiculous protocol
Supplementary Movie 4: Going into a new experiment with delusional confidence
Supplementary Movie 5: Reality starts kicking in and everything is irritating
Supplementary Movie 6: An inability to accept feedback
Supplementary Movie 7: Getting burnt from picking things up from the autoclave too soon
Supplementary Movie 8: Running low on grant money so now you have to make your own gels rather than buying them
Supplementary Movie 9: You’ve reached the point where you have had it. You know what you have had? IT.
Supplementary Movie 10: Using new equipment always goes wrong
Supplementary Movie 11: You quit
Supplementary Movie 12: Delusional confidence strikes again
Supplementary Movie 13: Waiting for your 5x 5min washes to be done
Supplementary Movie 14: Your experiment that worked perfectly yesterday is now up in flames
Supplementary Movie 16: Having a mini existential crisis while waiting for the plate reader to finish
Supplementary Movie 17: Your delusional confidence has left the chat and so have you
Supplementary Movie 18: You quit again, because you didn’t actually quit last time
Supplementary Movie 19: You’re proud at the result you got and calling it a day
Supplementary Movie 20: Setting the bar real low for any future work
Supplementary Movie 21: Walking into your first year review meeting like
Supplementary Movie 22: Showing someone new how to use the equipment but you get flashbacks of all the horrible stuff that machine did to you
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