Chequers might be the better place for Johnson to recuperate but it is his weekend second home and the PM's fiancee travelled to join him. Obeying the rules he instructs others to follow?
When Michael Gove is helping - whatever you think of his politics - organise action against coronavirus, I understand why a daughter showing symptoms was tested(and mercifully cleared) so he could return to work. But I also grasp why untested NHS workers might be resentful.
And I appreciate why Robert 4-homes Jenrick wanted to be with his family in Herefordshire instead of staying in a London house and made that 80-mile round trip to see and drop off stuff for elderly parents. Within the spirit of Government lectures?
All three might or might not have made the right personal decisions but I hope they cut the public a little slack or it's do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do: one set of rules for Cabinet Ministers, another set for everyone else. Social distancing is vital yet we all face dilemmas.
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