DocaScreen Standard Window Screen Roll – 36” x 100’ Fiberglass Scree... #Amazon

let me see if I can take you on a little trip, let’s find out the difference between a screen, a net, and a strainer. You’ll see why I hate it.
Hi, I make up stuff on the fly

So this is the way the hospitals are used to using a screening, this is not to be yet interchangeable with what it is you all do when you go to the movies, this is where it begins.

remember I have short attention span. - so use your noodle
Screenings continued

some reason I don’t know, I think most of you hear screening & this is the image feeds you from your end.

on my site, this is an urgent care issue.

in application at hospital, they don’t say how many screenings are used against you, lots. I’m a patient
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