The problem with social media.... a thread after an observation:
People want you to be what they want you to be. Like for fucks sake. If you don't like me move on, heck I might not even like you too. Feeling is mutual..
Some of you your friends are out here making a living with whatever they can and you wanna judge them coz they hustle different from you? Bitch plz!!
Some of you have been misled by followers and likes to a point you actually do believe you have a right to speak on anything, it could just be looks without substantive implications post the likes. You're like a beautiful lazy german shepherd. Good on the eye but totally useless.
People also feel they need to comment on anything an everything, like Cant certain things just pass you ai, in high school you took over 8 subjects and im sure you failed some meaning you can not multitask, let alone have a comment on everything.
Some of you want to measure your level of happiness based on how much you downplay the next guy. No, I wouldn't do what he is doing, fuck you!!! If we were all the same this world would be boring... move the fuck on.
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