Okay I’m not an expert but based on years of experience and having many guy friends and girls whom I advice a whole crazy lot, I’ll put a few pointers out on what is attractive in a guy on Twitter and makes him long term follow/friend material.

(Lol! Please don’t bash me up)
Looks are significant, yes but it’s more about the whole package (not THAT package, silly). It’s important to have a pleasant vibe to you even though you may think you’re conventionally not good looking. You should look comfortable in your skin and warm (not a fuzzy bear, there)
Hence anonymity is NOT such an advantage. If you want people to NOT know you by your face and your name, people actually don’t want to know you (unless you’re hugely intriguing)

If you’re not comfortable with seeing your face in the dps, how do you expect the girls to want to?
So openness is a big turn on then. Someone who’s not embarrassed/hesitant to show himself, can be more easily trusted. You want us to add you on Facebook/whatsapp and whatnot with a cartoon character or an actor staring at us in the dp or that same one picture since ages. Really?
Being expressive in conversations, continuing them interestingly is an art. Not all can be artists. But monosyllabic answers are your worst enemies. Also if everytime we ask you how you are and you bring the same old things to the table, we’ll move to the next table. Just saying.
The good news is-pleasant vibes to your persona can be cultivated. For starters-through smiling and kindness, in general and in action. It brings about a soft glow to you (not the fair and lovely waala) But if you’re irritable mostly, the looks become harsh. Tez hain ladka types.
Next-The attitude you establish through your words and personality. Showing off, smarter-than-thou stance, superiority complex, inferiority complex, too much fawning, over-aloofness, unrequired profane language are all kind of turn offs (please don’t ask me “bacha he kya hain?”)
You can follow @DesireMaze.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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