did mapleshade break clan law when she had kits with a riverclanner? yes. but, let me just throw this out there- not all laws are just and we cant define morality on the basis of legality. if she did break clan law and was kicked out solely for it, and for lying, heres the issue-
appledusk should have been kicked out too. if the warriors code was applied equally, he would have been kicked out as well, and the kits would have been able to stay in the clans. mapleshade's novella is full of characters who make unjust decisions.
what the leaders say might be law in the warriors code, but thats very totalitarian. im not getting into mapleshade discussion tonight, but idk, also maybe dont insult her with ableist language either given that she literally experiences hallucinations and delusions.
it was a poor decision on the erins' part to make that part of a murderous character's story, and the entire reason why they kill others- actually, it makes her a harmful ableist caricature thats part of a bad history the erins have with mental gealth issues- but.
that doesnt change that she canonically experiences them and to use that as an insult against her hurts every single other person out there who experiences delusions and hallucinations as well.
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