alright I've put this off too long :
Introduction thread. We're a trans Traumagenic plural system of at least 14 members. if you don't know what plurality is, it's multiple people inhabiting the same body. Check out  for better explanation than I can give
this is another thing to normally keep in mind.
anyways time to introduce our members:
(no littles as of yet but I'll mark them as such if they ever show up)
Alice (She/Her)
Alice would like nothing more than to make you lose the game. If you've met her, you've already lost.
Role: Caretaker
Charlotte (She/Her):
Role: Unknown
Daisy (She/Her):
no picture currently she's new
Role: Unknown
Elle (She/Her)
Role: Caretaker
Fives: (She/Her)
No picture yet
Role: Trauma Holder
Liv: (She/Her)
Role: Unknown
Maddie (pronouns change, normally she/they):
Role: Host
Mads is the bimbo writing this thread, and canonically the worst member of sea salt system
Mikayla (She/Her)
no pictures yet
role: former persecutor, current role unknown
Reilly (They/She):
Role: Protector
Reilly is an integrated member integrating two former members
Rey (She/Her)
no picture
role unknown
Scarlett (They/She)
role: Protector
Shiki (She/Her)
Role: Fictive
Xion (She/Her)
Role: Fictive
You can follow @seasaltsystem.
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