Michoacán (Tierra Caliente): onta, ontas, ontan, oni y anta.
ta pelada: “esta difícil”, pelado: “dude”
manin, mano, cocho, hijo de cocho, ora cocho, tejeré cocho
At the end of a word: o = u, e = i, perru, caballu, oni, vali, veinti,
Fu = j, c/some s’s = j/h, juiste, juerte, juera, jinco, jonora
The famous (-iste) turns to itis, comitis, vitis, salitis, cagatis
the “d” is also dropped, v = w, welo, welta, weno, lao, candao, quebrao
Truck: camioneta, carcacha
Last tweet of this thread, mexicans love all these spanish accents from different countries but as soon as they hear someone who doesn’t speak “fresa” or Mexican “neutral” Spanish, we’re referred as nac@s/mal educados. Keep ya classism/elitism to ya self.
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