FUN FACT THREAD: Aramaic was the first language of Christ. It is also the oldest language in the world, derived from cuneiform. Commonly referred to as the fertile crescent and cradle of civilization, ancient Mesopotamia spans present day Irawlq, and parts of Turkey/Syria.
2. Our language has an odd connection to DNA. Recently, scientist @GreggBraden revealed that the first sequence of DNA strand was decoded using our ancient alphabet. The code spelled out the sentence, "God/Eternal within the body." Looks like we are one big human family #wwg1wga
3. Our language still exists, as do my indigenous people, regardless of how much MSM and elite agendas tried to wipe us off the face of Earth. Known to be the most prolific warrior society, it doesnt shock me that we are still here after not one, but two genocides.
4. Sure, we were known for out strategies in the battle field. Just to name some of the most amazing things ancient Assyrians can be credited for are A) astrology
B) Beer. Nice recipe, ay
C)The wheel, Iron and Bronze tools, Chariot, 360° circle, latitude and longitude
D)the Nimrud Lens and telescope...
If you wear glasses, you can thank the ancient Mesopotamian's!
E)the first battery, 2000 years ago plus
F)not to mention the oldest alphabet/ vs then
G)law/code of Hammurabi
H) the Mermaid, you're re welcome Starbux
I) one of the most mysterious 7 wonders of the world, The Hanging Garden of Nineveh..originally mistaken as Babylon due to a tablet mistranslation. I am named after this city. Also, Nebuchadnezzar screw, often wrongly cited as Archemides screw, for irrigation
J) the Royal Library of Ashurbanipal
Which held the Epic of Gilgamesh, the earliest surviving great work of literature. Although the Vatican is sitting on many of our tablets. MSM has passed many of our contributions to humanity as not ours, hiding true origin of humanity as well
K)the Tree of Life, and knowledge of the Pineal gland which is also referred to as the "third eye"
L) great art such as the Lamassu/ Assyrian winged bull..which can be seen at The British Museum, The CHICAGO cultural Museum, and most famously, The Louvre. A human for wisdom, 5 bull legs to depict strength regardless of viewers perspective, wings for tenacity, evolution
M) the 1st anti-depressants
O) the courier system, lock and key,
P) for ever grateful to my Ancient Assyria/Mesopotamian ancestors! Long live Assyria! Our flag, customary folk clothing. Heres a sample of our war time music, Dola oo Zorna, which is now commonly hear at weddings Watch "Assyrian Dola O Zorna" on YouTube
Q) Unity Consciousness Prayer. This is normally chanted in church but I found an amazing version of it sung in a very peaceful way...way to shift your vibration!! Enjoy! Here is a screenshot of the lyrics as well :)
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